SSS Online Payment 2024: Contribution Amounts & PRN Generation

Updated on February 6, 2024

Discover SSS Online Payment 2024: Learn About SSS Contribution Amounts and Generating PRN for SSS Loan Payments. Say goodbye to paperwork hassles as we guide you through the convenient online process. Whether you’re an employer, self-employed, OFW, or private employee, paying your SSS contribution is essential, and we’re here to help streamline the process for you.

SSS Online Payment 2024

Individuals enrolled in the SSS are assigned a unique identifier known as the SSAN. This identifier is utilized to track Social Security Benefits, contributions, and other relevant history associated with the beneficiary’s SSS account. The SSS in the Philippines is a government-run social program that offers financial benefits to its members. These benefits include disability benefits, retirement benefits, maternity benefits, and even death benefits to the family of the member. This program assists qualified individuals by providing both long and short-term benefits.

If you’re not inclined to contribute to the SSS program, you have the option to cancel your enrollment at any time. However, canceling an SSAS account entails following a thorough procedure and submitting all necessary documents. It’s important to note that deregistering your account with SSAS may impact your eligibility for other benefits. Therefore, it’s advisable to consult with official authorities before making a decision.

How Much is SSS Contribution?

To become a member of the SSS program, individuals are required to contribute a portion of their monthly income. In 2024, the contribution rate for employers and employees will be 9.5% and 4.5%, respectively. This results in a combined SSS contribution rate of 14%. The monthly salary credit must fall within the range of P4000 to P30,000, and both employers and workers must adhere to this limit. For a monthly salary credit of P30,000, the 14% contribution amounts to P4,200.

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Other categories such as self-employed individuals, non-working spouses, and overseas Filipino workers are required to pay the full SSS contribution rate. Eligible individuals must have contributed for 36 months to qualify for a monthly salary loan, or alternatively, have contributed for six months in each year for SSS contribution. As an employee, you do not need to concern yourself with the contribution process. Prior to 2023, the contribution rates were at 13%, and they increased by 1% in 2024. These rates are set to rise again to 15% starting from January 2025.

Who is Eligible For SSS Contribution?

If you are employed, your employer is responsible for making the SSS contributions on your behalf. Additionally, your employer will also contribute a portion on their own behalf to your contribution. For self-employed individuals, contributions can be made online or through a mobile application. Before initiating any contributions, it’s important to create an account online via the official SSS web portal and obtain your SSAS number.

It’s crucial to ensure that personal data such as your name, membership record, date of birth, address, and bank details are kept up to date. Eligibility criteria for various benefits vary. For retirement benefits, the individual must be 65 years old and residing in the Philippines, with at least 120 contributions made before retirement. Each program under SSS has its own unique plans and eligibility criteria. To learn more about the eligibility criteria for the program you’re interested in, please visit the official website.

How to generate PRN for SSS Loan Payment?

Individuals interested can typically contact SSS customer services and submit a written request, providing all necessary proof of identity. Alternatively, they can generate a Payment Reference Number (PRN) online by following these steps:

  1. Log in to the official SSS website through your MY SSS account.
  2. Locate the PRN page on the home screen.
  3. Fill out all required credentials, such as the month and payment due.
  4. Click on ‘Generate PRN’ to obtain the PRN for SSS.
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To generate a Payment Reference Number (PRN) for SSS via SMS:

  1. Create a text message using your mobile phone.
  2. Type the SSS Number, followed by a space, then the relevant month, and finally the amount due.
  3. Send the text message to the designated SSS PRN hotline number.
  4. After sending, you will receive a confirmation message containing the PRN for SSS.

Other methods to generate PRN for SSS include sending an email or making a call to the hotline. Once the PRN is generated, you can use it for further payments.

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